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Social Structure of Contemporary China 2010-2020


By:Weibin Gong, Linjiang Zhang

Publisher:Social Sciences Academic Press


Publication Date:2022-1-11 14:43:17


Paper book:US $
Ebook:US $
Paper Book& Ebook:US $
2068 1000

Table of contents:

About the author(s):


This book is a "re-study" of China's changing social structure, based on the book Contemporary China's Social Structure, published in 2010 by the Research Group on Social Change in Contemporary China led by Mr Lu Xueyi. Using authoritative data from the National Bureau of Statistics and quantitative research methods, this book describes the changes in nine areas in China from 2010 to 2020: demographic structure, family structure, employment and occupation structure, income and wealth distribution structure, consumption structure, urban-rural structure, social organisation structure, social class structure and network social structure, outlines the characteristics of these nine areas, analyses the dynamics of the changes and proposes a sustainable optimisation of China's social structure. It outlines the characteristics of these nine aspects, analyses the dynamical mechanisms of change, and puts forward countermeasures and suggestions for the sustainable optimisation of China's social structure.