By:National Institute for Economic Experimentation
Publication Date:2013-02-28
In 2011, the Urban Quality of Life Research Centre under National Institute for Economic Experimentation (NIEE) of China released for the first time the urban quality of life quality index for 30 Chinese cities on the Fifth Forum on China's Economic Growth and Business Cycle. Th...
By:Wu Yuhan, Dang Junwu
Publication Date:2013-02-22
2012 is a remarkable year in the history of developing China's cause of aging with rich achievements in various undertakings. The eighteenth National Congress of CPC made a strategy "make active response to population aging and develop the cause of aging and relevant indu...
By:Zhang Xiaoming, Wang Jiaxin, Zhang Jiangang
Publication Date:2013-03-01
Annual Report on Development of China's Cultural Industry (2012-2013) is the eleventh annual report on the development of China's cultural industries. It is produced by the Research Center of Humanities of CASS. This book continues the cross-year analysis mode that was...
By:Ru Xin, Fu Chonglan
Publication Date:2012-12-03
Aims to explore the law of the integration in China from the perspective of the balanced development between urban and rural, Annual Report on China's Urban-rural Integration(2012) summarizes the present situation and development trend of the coordinated urban and rural dev...
By:Wang Junxiu
Publication Date:2013-01-23
Into the threshold of auto society in 2012, auto growth is in the accelerated period, and car use environment is worsening. China Auto Society has to face a lot of problems, such as, private cars' consumer willingness is high, but the cost of car use has risen. In the automobile indu...
By:Yue Fubin
Publication Date:2013-01-02
The report is drafted and redacted by experts and professors from the government administrative authorities and scientific research institutes, and is supervised and organized by China Coal Blue Book Redaction Committee (CCBBRC). China Coal Economic Research Institute of Cent...