1. The Chinese Economy: Analysis and Forecast for
Spring 2006 ........................................................................... 1
Spring 2006 Report Research Group
2. Analyzing Business Cycles in the Chinese Economy ........... 15
Liu Shucheng, Zhang Xiaojing, and Zhang Ping
3. China’s Prospects Regarding Sustained Economic
Growth ................................................................................... 39
Fan Jianping
4. Operations of the Chinese Economy in 2005 and
Growth Projection in 2006 .................................................... 59
Wang Jinming, Gao Tiemei, and Chen Fei
5. Policy Analysis Regarding China’s Economic Prospects
in 2006 ................................................................................... 77
Qiu Xiaohua and Zheng Jingping
6. Policy Choices Regarding Economic Growth in China
in 2006 ................................................................................... 89
Li Boxi
7. Investment and Its Economic Impact in 2006 ..................... 99
Zhang Hanya
8. China’s Macroeconomic Trends and Policies for
2005–2006 ............................................................................. 113
Economic Research Institute, Renmin University of China
9. Analysis of China’s Trade in 2005 and Prospects in
2006 ...................................................................................... 123
Pei Changhong and Lin Jiang
10. Tax Policies and Their Connection to Economic
Operations, Analyses, and Forecasts for 2005–2006 .......... 143
Zhang Peisen
11. The State of Environmental Protection in China,
2005–2006 ............................................................................ 149
Shu Qing
12. Current Conditions and Future Trends in China’s Real
Estate Market in 2005 ......................................................... 159
Policy Research Center, Ministry of Construction
13. Business Cycles and the Growth of China’s Real Estate
Industry ................................................................................ 171
Qin Wanshun, Jin Yunhui, and Bu Yongxiang
14. Growing Supply and Demand in the Automotive
Industry ................................................................................ 181
Fu Yuwu
15. Analysis and Growth Forecast for the Service Sector,
2005–2006 ............................................................................ 191
Shi Zhuxian, Wang Liyong, Mou Xiaoyun, and Liu Junsheng
16. Consumer Spending Slows, Infl ationary Pressures
Dissipate: Analyzing the Current Production System and
Its Prospects for 2006 .......................................................... 207
Chen Kexin and Chen Zongqun
17. Consumption in China in 2005 and 2006 ......................... 217
Guo Shouzhong
18. Growth Trends in China’s Three Major Economic
Centers ................................................................................. 231
Deng Lishu and Wei Shuhua
19. Analyzing Regional Economic Adjustments in the
People’s Republic of China ................................................. 255
Jing Tihua
20. The Yangtze River Delta: Managing Sustainable
Development ........................................................................ 273
Tian Boping
21. Analyzing Industrial Conditions in the Pear River
Basin ..................................................................................... 313
Shu Yuan
22. Analysis of Financial Markets and Their Prospects in
2005 ...................................................................................... 345
Wang Yi and Chen Hao
23. Reforming the Currency Exchange System ........................ 359
Li Yang and Yu Weibin
24. Reviewing the 2005 Shanghai Securities Market and Its
Prospects for 2006 ................................................................ 375
Wu Qian, Zhang Xiaozhong, and Zhu Pingfang
25. Reviewing Capital Market Performance in 2004 and
2005 and Projections for 2006 ............................................ 391
Huang Ruifen, Yin Kedong, Zhao Xin, and Li Li
26. Analysis of Current Conditions and Future Prospects of
the Taiwanese Economy ...................................................... 403
Zhang Guanhua
27. Hong Kong’s Economy Enters a New Phase:
Improvements in Hong Kong’s Economy and Changes in
Its Relationship with the Mainland ..................................... 417
Guo Guoquan
28. Analysis of Current and Future Economic Conditions in
Macao .................................................................................. 433
The Macao Macroeconomic Workgroup, Huaqiao University
Appendix: General Statistical Data ............................................ 445
Shen Lisheng
LI Jingwen is an academician at the Chinese Academy of Engineering, and dean of the College of Economics and Management at the Beijing University of Technology. He is engaged in research work in technology economics, engineering management, technological advancement, and productivity theory.
LIU Guoguang was sent to the teaching and research section for national economic planning of the Soviet Moscow Institute of Economics as a graduate student in 1951, where he received an assistant doctor’s degree in 1955. He has successively held the posts of assistant research fellow, research fellow, academic secretary, director of the research office, deputy director general and director general of the Institute of Economics at the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences (CASS). He has also served as vice-editor-in-chief and chief editor of the journal Economic Research. He was deputy director-general of the state Bureau of Statistics (1981–1982), vice president of CASS (1982–1993), and was elected as alternate member of the Central Committee in the 12th and 13th National People’s Congress of the Communist Party of China. He served as a member of the 8th Standing Committee of the National People’s Congress from 1993 to March, 1998. He holds concurrent professorships at Peking University, Zhejiang University, Northeast University of Finance and Economics, and Shanghai University of Finance & Economics.
WANG Luolin is assistant secretary general and executive vice president of the Party Group of the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, as well as vice-chairman of the Subcommittee of Economy of the Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference (CPPCC) National Committee. He is a professor and tutor of doctoral student at the Graduate School of the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, concurrent president of the College of Economics of Zhejiang University, honorary chief of the School of Economics and management of the East China Jiaotong University, and concurrent professor of Xiamen University, Jilin University and Nankai University. Prior to 1987, he was engaged in research of global economics, focusing on economics of the Soviet Union and Eastern Europe. Since 1987 his research has increased in scope, including foreign direct investment, domestic macroeconomic issues, and finance.
The China Economy Yearbook annually combines the research findings of three diverse generations of renowned economists. This research started in 1991 when it became a key subject for the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences (CASS) and was funded by the State Council Premier’s Fund. The most prestigious and authoritative academic research organ in China, CASS, at that time established a research group to focus on “analysis and forecast of China’s economy” at the beginning and end of every year, and to release an authoritative research report entitled The China Economy Yearbook (Blue Book of Economy in Chinese). This research group gathered dozens of renowned economists from research institutes of CASS including the Institute of Quantitative and Technical Economics, the Institute of Finance and Trade Economics, the Institute of Economics, and the Institute of Rural Development, as well as from Tsinghua University, Peking University, Jilin University, and other major universities throughout the country. Liu Guoguang, Wang Luolin, Li Jingwen, Liu Shucheng and Wang Tongsan successively served as team leader for the project. Starting in 2006, responsibility for this research now lies with the newly established Institute of Economics at CASS. Starting with the 2007 edition of The China Economy Yearbook (designated as Volume 2 in the English version), vice president of CASS and director of the CASS Institute of Economics, Professor Chen Jiagui, will be chief editor of the yearbook.
**Statement: The English version of the China Yearbooks is in co-publication with Brill. To order the English Yearbooks, please contact Brill at sales@brill.nl