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The China Population and Labor Yearbook, Volume 2


By:CAI Fang



Publication Date:2010-02-01


0368 1000

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About the author(s):


In this, the second volume in the series, Cai Fang and his colleagues offer policy guidance for an era of less favorable demographic circumstances. These papers consider how the Chinese economy can prosper despite a labor supply that is no longer “infinite,” and they propose ways that China might reap the benefits of a “second demographic dividend.” Unlike the original dividend, which was immanent in the age structure, the second dividend arises from behavioral adjustments to a changing demographic and institutional setting. With increased life expectancy and longer anticipated retirements, people tend to save more for their old age. Such life cycle accumulation can have real effects on labor productivity, but as Wang and Mason (2005) note, “whereas this aging process may bring with it a second demographic dividend, such an event depends heavily on the right institutional environment.” It is this institutional environment that Cai Fang and his colleagues address in these essays.


**Statement: The English version of the China Yearbooks is in co-publication with Brill. To order the English Yearbooks, please contact Brill at sales@brill.nl