By:Cai Fang
Publisher:Social Sciences Academic Press
ISBN: 978-9004342149
Publication Date:2017-04-06
This volume is based on Green Book of Population and Labor 2014, originally published in Chinese. Four large topics are covered: current conditions of and outlook for migrant workers, the emergence of the reform dividend, construction of the social security system and labor market development. Chapter One examines the number, employment situation and income among migrant workers. In chapter Two to Four, contributors discuss significance of reforms of the household registration and the education system. The two chapters on social security focus on efforts to build and strengthen the pension and medical insurance systems, basic public services. Some theoretical and practical issues related to labor market development are discussed in the final two chapters. Policy suggestions are provided in this volume. Chinese Research Perspectives on Population and Labor is a co-publication between Brill and Social Sciences Academic Press (China).